Project Updates
In Stewardship, the Tiniest Things also Count the Most
Read in the Philippines how farmer Marietta’s handful of seeds are multiplied almost a hundredfold.
New Updates from Modawa Institute and Bishop Newton School of Theology
We are excited to share with you news from Bishop Newton School of Theology, written by Acting Principal, Bishop Jeffery Driver.
Closure of Wontulp-Bi-Buya College
It is with considerable sadness that the Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Uniting Churches in Queensland have advised that Wontulp-Bi-Buya College has been closed.
Traditional village leaders at the forefront of Zambian gender program
AID’s Gender Equality project in Zambia places great importance on working with traditional village leaders to lead change on gender equality and ending gender-based violence.
Kenyan farming groups ready to face the future with confidence as AID’s project moves to new communities
Community group leader, Benjamin, explains the tremendous gains his group has made, working with AID’s project on Food Security in a Changing Climate, in southeastern Kenya.
How PAMAMACA, pigs and ginger improved Liza’s life
When ABM AID’s partner, IFI-VIMROD, supported this community group in the Philippines, the lives of Liza and others in her group were transformed.