Latest News
“Special” New ABM Book Perfect as an Advent Study – or a Christmas Gift!
Caravan, a new ABM study, designed to be read during Advent, Christmas or Epiphany.
Closure of Wontulp-Bi-Buya College: Update September 2024
Read an update on the closure of Wontulp-Bi-Buya College in the Diocese of North Queensland.
Bequests and ABM/AID in an Increasingly Troubled World
Read this reflection by ABM’s Gifts in Wills Officer, the Rev’d Dr Ivan Head.
Prayer for Peace in the Middle East
Please join us in praying for an end to the conflict which began in Israel almost a year ago, has been raging in Gaza and the West Bank, and is now enveloping Lebanon.
AID’s Partners Take Seriously the Fifth Mark of Mission
As the Season of Creation approaches, you can read how AID’s partners in Kenya, the Philippines, Myanmar and the Solomon Islands are caring for creation in their parts of the world.
Please join us in praying for Bangladesh
Please join us in praying for the current situation in Bangladesh, where political unrest has led to the loss of hundreds of lives. The Church of Bangladesh has requested our prayers.