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AID’s Partners Take Seriously the Fifth Mark of Mission
As the Season of Creation approaches, you can read how AID’s partners in Kenya, the Philippines, Myanmar and the Solomon Islands are caring for creation in their parts of the world.
Please join us in praying for Bangladesh
Please join us in praying for the current situation in Bangladesh, where political unrest has led to the loss of hundreds of lives. The Church of Bangladesh has requested our prayers.
ABM-AID Environmental Sustainability Policy now on our website
AID takes all the Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion very seriously. Our Fifth Mark of Mission, Protect, care for and renew life on our planet, is expressed in our Environmental Sustainability policy which...
Anglican Alliance Appoints new Executive Director
ABM AID congratulates Mr Robert Dawes, who has been appointed to replace the Rev’d Canon Rachel Carnegie as Executive Director of the Anglican Alliance.
History Matters
ABM Truth-telling Advisor, Larissa Minniecon, writes about the origin and aspirations of NAIDOC Week.
What can we learn about mission from one of the world’s most successful religious orders?
Being sent out in mission does not necessarily mean going somewhere far away. If God’s mission has placed you right where you are at this moment, how could mission bring hope, healing and the flourishing of life into the communities...