Annual Reports

2022/23 Annual Report

This last year has been an exciting time for ABM and its newly created subsidiary ‘Anglicans in Development’ (AID).

In the first place, it has been a wonderful experience to see so many of our programs get back on track after COVID-19, with some impressive results. This is despite the ongoing challenges that many still face.

It has also been extremely pleasing that new work began on the Papua New Guinea Church Partnership Program, which will ensure that it more directly aligns with the aspirations of the Anglican Church of PNG and delivers better outcomes for the people.

During the year we also began to fund a new Schools Program in the Philippines which we hope will generate opportunities for mutual engagement with schools in Australia. You will find more about this in the 2024 Project Book and on our website.

This, and another new program which commenced in Sri Lanka, were made possible by generous gifts received by ABM and AID throughout the year.

Relationship is at the heart of mission, and this year, ABM and AID are delighted to celebrate thirty years of partnership with the Episcopal Church in the Philippines (ECP) and the beginnings of a new partnership with the Council for the Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA).

In this Annual Report, you will be pleased to read of the various successes which have been achieved in the Adult Literacy and Numeracy Program in Papua New Guinea, as well as the successful formation of Village Development Committees in Myanmar.

These Committees now facilitate skill development, greater gender awareness, and increased agricultural productivity. All these achievements need to be seen in the context of the immense challenges faced by the Church of the Province of Myanmar (CPM) in dealing with ongoing political conflict and economic crisis.

I would also like to draw to your attention to the fact that, in the last year, AID was reaccredited with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for another five years, which will enable us to continue to apply for government funding for a number of our overseas programs. I compliment the small AID team on this achievement, which is the culmination of three years of hard work and a further assurance to our supporters of the quality of AID’s programs.

You will note that we have also included in this Annual Report an update on other important aspects of ABM’s commitment to “the Five Marks of Mission”, including Reconciliation, Education, Church-to-Church, Key Relationships, and Marketing and Communication.

I would particularly like to commend ABM’s Lent resources, which are increasingly being used throughout the church and we look forward to a new resource for 2024.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your generous support of our work during the year and would ask you to continue to pray for us and all our partners.

Yours in Christ,
The Rev’d Dr John Deane
Executive Director
Anglican Board of Mission and Anglicans in Development

Past Annual Reports