Welcome to ABM’s new publication
Love, Hope and Justice in Action.
Love Hope and Justice in Action replaces our previous annual publication, the Project Book. Despite the change in format and name, this publication still contains everything that supporters of the Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) and Anglicans in Development (AID) have come to expect: stories of how you can witness to the good news of Jesus Christ by bringing love, hope and justice to communities in Australia and across the world. It showcases our Partners and the work that you and other generous supporters contribute to through ABM and AID. It also shows how you can join us in prayer, learning and giving, so that we journey together to see love, hope and justice in action in Australia and across the Anglican Communion.
With this simpler and shorter format, you’ll find more details on each partner and program on this website. Simply scan the QR code on each page or enter the webpage address into your internet browser. A digital version of this entire publication can be downloaded clicking the buttons on this page. Shorter digital versions focusing on a single area of work can be downloaded by clicking the buttons on their specific pages. We pray this makes it easier to access the information you are particularly interested in.
All of ABM’s work is founded out of God’s love as expressed in the 5 Marks of Mission and works through relationship, interconnection and collaboration. In our 175th year we are celebrating with thanks all that has been achieved – particularly with the Anglican Church of Melanesia, where our connection began in 1850 when it was still the Melanesian Mission. Other long-term relationships are a little shorter such as the one with the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea (since 1891) and the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East (since 1918). Relationships with most of our other current Activity Partners have extended over decades with some like our renewed partnership with the Church of Ceylon, having been rekindled after being dormant for many years.
While the longevity of the relationships with our partners ensures that the activities we collaborate on evolve as time progresses, the witness and impact which we seek to achieve together, remain the same: Love, Hope and Justice. Consequently, our new publication seeks to reflect better the broader program approach which we are taking with our partners. It has the benefit of simplifying how we look at our work, while at the same time enhancing the experience of engaging with our partners. We hope that Love, Hope and Justice in Action will be an invitation to you into these partnerships, helping you to grow in your understanding of the impact you are making.
Rather than choosing an individual project to support, you can choose to support ABM or AID at the highest level, allowing us to direct your funds where they are most needed, or you can nominate your particular interest in one of our programs (such as the Reconciliation Fund, Encounter, Education or Gender) which evolve from phase to phase, or one or our partner churches (such as the Anglican Church of PNG or the Episcopal Church in the Philippines). You can download a Gift Commitment Form here or use the drop-down menus “What we do” Programs” or “Where we work” to find the area of work, partner or program you are most interested in and donate online.
Whatever your motivations are to support our partners and their work, we trust that Love, Hope and Justice in Action will encourage you further and deepen your commitment. We look forward to continuing the journey with you and participating together in God’s mission. As we approach our 175th Anniversary, I commend our work, our partners and us to your prayers.
Yours in Christ
The Rev’d Dr John Deane
Executive Director of ABM and AID