From the Archives
Stories from ABM’s extensive archive
located by Bronwyn Wood, ABM’s Archivist
Tiger Lil – An Amazing ABM Deputationist
Take a journey into the ABM Archive of the early 1970s to read two fascinating stories about Lily Best, an ABM photographer, sound recordist and film-maker who brought first-hand mission stories back to supporters in Australia.
75 Years Ago…From the ABM Archives
Ahead of ABM’s centenary in 1950, we honoured those killed in World War 2’s New Guinea Campaign by launching an appeal for £100,000 and to train 50 new missionaries.
The Martyrs of New Guinea
Ahead of New Guinea Martyrs Day (Monday 2 September), our ABM archivist, Bronwyn Woods, has uncovered some wonderful treasures…
ABM Centenary Prayer
Founded in 1850, ABM is due to celebrate its 175th anniversary in 2025. The discovery of this “Centenary Prayer” in the ABM Archive enables us to reflect on...
Want to swap your World War 2 army uniform for a vocation in the church?
As World War 2 was drawing to a close, the Church of England in Australia was already planning what vocations its women members might embrace in peace-time...