Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea (ACPNG)

Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world.
Over 800 languages are spoken throughout the islands, and over 1,000 distinct ethnic groups comprise the national population of over 10 million people.
It is also a country undergoing rapid change, as people move away from their villages to seek work and education in the cities. Because of the complexities of land tenure and the lack of employment opportunities, many end up living in settlements on the edges of the towns.
More than 40% of Papua New Guineans live below the country’s extreme poverty line. There is a high level of gender inequality, with PNG ranking 151st on the Gender Inequality Index among the 193 countries surveyed in 2022.
36.6% of people over 15 are illiterate (35% are male and 42% female). Only 26.3% of women and 36.5% of men have received some secondary education. The average number of years a child spends at school is 5.9 years.
* Actions, policies and procedures that create and maintain protective environments to protect people from exploitation, harm and abuse of all kinds.
Our Partner
ABM and AID have had a long relationship with the Anglican Church of PNG (ACPNG) to address many of the challenges faced by both the Church and the country.
The Anglican Province of Papua New Guinea is made up of five dioceses – Aipo Rongo, Dogura, New Guinea Islands, Popondota, and Port Moresby. Around 3% of Papua New Guineans identify themselves as Anglican, although in some provinces such as Oro, in Diocese of Popondota, this figure is as high as 60%.
Beginning in 1891, ABM missionaries were first sent to support the church to deliver its mandate, before a partnership model was adopted with ACPNG much later to empower local, community-based development. Today, AID works with the church to support the communities to lift themselves out of poverty and become role models for others.
The Work We Support
1. Bishop Newton School of Theology
To read about the theological education worked supported by ABM in PNG, please click here.
2. Strengthening the Church to Build Sustainable Communities
The current focus of ABM AID’s partnership with ACPNG is to support the church to provide leadership in addressing social and economic challenges experienced by the people. This work includes fostering social inclusion and safeguarding*, and training for livelihoods.
ACPNG serves a wide geographic area across PNG including rural and remote communities and urban settlements in the five dioceses of the church.
Initiatives include the Anglican Communion’s Agents of Change course among ACPNG’s parishes and church groups. Agents of Change is a distance-learning course developed by the Anglican Alliance in conjunction with the Open University. It provides church members with the skills and knowledge to deliver effective community development projects in their local communities. These projects increase family incomes, strengthen collective community action, and support the development of leadership and management structures in parishes and dioceses.
An increasing number of parishes are also providing training in the Five Marks of Mission and in Safeguarding.
This work links with the work of the Australian Government-funded Church Partnership Program in that one of the pathways for that program’s Adult Literacy (AL) learners is to receive training in the Agents of Change course.
Monica and Desmond are two AL learners based in Togaho in the church’s Popondota Diocese.
Monica is 53 and left formal schooling at Grade 6. “My father passed away and there were no funds to complete school. I have ten children and grow bananas and other fruits to sell at informal markets. I am excited and proud to have joined the Togaho Adult Literacy School six months ago. Especially as I’m already speaking, reading and writing fluent English.
“My dream is to support my children and grandchildren to read and learn – through growing my gardening business and financially supporting them, and helping them with homework. One day, I would like to one day become an accountant”, said Monica.
Desmond finished his formal schooling in Grade 8. He completed a trade qualification in carpentry but wanted to continue with AL school to learn English and learn employment related skills. “Eventually I want to become an accountant”, said Desmond.
How You Can Help
Your support of this work will strengthen the church to train its members to be effective Agents of Change in their churches and communities.
- $400 can support a community-based Facilitator to be trained in Agents of Change facilitation
- $150 can support an adult learner to complete the Agents of Change course
- $80 can cover the costs of producing a set of educational materials to train 25 people in Safeguarding
Your support enables the church to lead transformative change, training and inspiring leaders who bring sustainable growth, hope, and opportunity to their communities. Together, we can strengthen lives and build a brighter future in PNG.

for our Partner
God, our strength and hope, we thank you for the collaboration between the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea, the Australian Government-funded Church Partnership Program and ABM AID.
Strengthen all those who seek to fortify their communities through the Agents of Change course.
Bless all who engage in the Five Marks of Mission and the safeguarding of children and other vulnerable people trainings.
Let all those who undertake literacy and numeracy training take their rightful places within their communities.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Redeemer, who is alive and reigns with you and the Spirit, one God, now and forever.
We hope to raise
for this partner
Donation code: XG011
Donate Online Now
Your support enables the church to lead transformative change, training and inspiring leaders who bring sustainable growth, hope, and opportunity to their communities. Together, we can strengthen lives and build a brighter future in PNG.
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As noted, this is a tax-deductible project. All donations are in Australian dollars (AUD) and all gifts of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Gifts are received by the trustee for the ‘Anglicans in Development Ltd’ ABN 86 647 293 481 Gifts will be applied to the support of projects selected. In the unlikely event of projects being oversubscribed or not proceeding to completion, donations will be applied to similar projects.
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See our 2024 Martyrs of New Guinea Photo Gallery and be inspired for your own commemoration of the Martyrs in 2025.
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