Theological Education
Support ABM’s partners in PNG and Zambia to train, equip and form leaders to be effective workers for the sake of the Gospel.
ABM is committed to supporting our partners respond to God’s call of love, hope and justice in their own context. Just as we send our children to school to prepare them for the world they will step into as adults, ABM’s Theological Education Program supports our partner churches in PNG and Zambia provide quality theological education to people preparing for ordained ministry in the Church. Such people need to be educated with the required knowledge, equipped with skills and faithfully formed through quality, contextual theological education to build a strong future for their churches.
ABM supports the Bishop Newton School of Theology, part of the newly formed Modawa Institute of Higher Education just outside of Popondetta in Papua New Guinea, as well as St John the Evangelist’s Anglican Seminary, located in northern Zambia’s Copperbelt Province at Kitwe.
ABM’s Theological Education Program not only strengthens the Church itself, by helping to produce well-qualified graduates, but helps also to build up the capacity of those communities in which those Churches, our Overseas Partners, work. Strong Churches lead to vibrant communities where community development can take place efficiently and effectively.
These colleges have prepared young priests, like Leki Kambari from PNG and Austin Ng’andwe and Timothy Njovu from Zambia, to lead parishes and other faith communities, not just in spiritual matters, but also to improve their physical and social wellbeing.
Your gift to ABM will help our partners train up the next generation of clergy and support the future leaders of the church in PNG and Zambia to be effective workers for the sake of the Gospel.
Bishop Newton School of Theology
Support Bishop Newton School of Theology train future clergy to proclaim the Gospel and lead and organise thriving communities.
St John’s Anglican Seminary Zambia
Support St John’s Seminary, Zambia, train future leaders of their church who are spiritually and professionally well-equipped.
Lord Jesus Christ, you are our great High Priest.
We pray to you for the staff and students of Bishop Newton School of Theology in PNG and St John’s Anglican Seminary in Zambia, giving thanks for those who have responded to the call to follow you.
We pray you to strengthen the Church so that well-qualified graduates are produced through their training.
We pray also that once those graduates go out into the communities to which they are assigned, they can lead efficiently and effectively so that the world may be transformed.
We ask this for your love’s sake.
We hope to raise
for this program
Donation code: XG020
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Your gift to ABM will help our partners train up the next generation of clergy and support the future leaders of the church in PNG and Zambia to be effective workers for the sake of the Gospel.
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New Updates from Modawa Institute and Bishop Newton School of Theology
We are excited to share with you news from Bishop Newton School of Theology, written by Acting Principal, Bishop Jeffery Driver.