Support ABM AID’s partners as they help communities flourish, physically and socially.
ABM AID’s Livelihoods Program facilitates improved methods of earning incomes, allowing families and communities to flourish physically and socially. Our partners design and deliver interventions tailored to the needs and resources of each community. Most communities create informal groups or formal cooperative organisations with shared goals, accountability and support. Many individuals want support to improve their farming techniques. Others seek to utilise a skill they have learnt such as weaving or mechanics. In most cases, ABM AID’s partners support the community with the provision of greater market access and linkages for selling products and produce. In some cases, small start-up grants are supplied. Once the community has paid back their grant, they then pass on the grant to the next community, becoming role models. Many participants report improved confidence after participating in this program. Most importantly, individuals and entire communities are able to break the cycles of poverty that are often generational.
You can read more about the specific examples of ABM AID’s partners engaged in the Livelihoods Program by clicking on the links below.
Your gift to ABM AID will support our partners as they work with communities to identify their resources and develop their skills to lift themselves out of cycles of poverty and provide a brighter future for their children.
Philippine Independent Church (IFI)
Support IFI-VIMROD as it empowers communities to build viable futures for their families and create healthy communities.
Episcopal Church in the Philippines (ECP)
Support the Episcopal Church in the Philippines transform lives and release many from crippling cycles of poverty.
Church of the Province of Myanmar (CPM)
Our PartnersChurch of the Province of Myanmar (CPM)Myanmar Geographically, Myanmar is one of the largest countries...
Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK)
Support the Anglican Church of Kenya as it transforms lives and builds brighter futures.
Lord, your Son Jesus Christ gave himself up for others so that they might live.
We pray for a brighter future for all the beneficiaries involved in ABM AID’s Livelihoods Program, no matter where they are around the globe.
May what they learn help them to be lifted up out of poverty so that they may live lives with more abundance and more genuine options.
We pray also for all who have cheerfully given to this Program, sharing the blessings they have received with others.
Teach us all to care for one another, so that the Gospel may be brought to life.
We hope to raise
for this program
Donation code: XG011
Donate Online Now
Your gift to ABM AID will support our partners as they work with communities to identify their resources and develop their skills to lift themselves out of cycles of poverty and provide a brighter future for their children.
Click here for other donation options
Need help? Call us 1300 302 663
As noted, this is a tax-deductible project. All donations are in Australian dollars (AUD) and all gifts of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Gifts are received by the trustee for the ‘Anglicans in Development Ltd’ ABN 86 647 293 481 Gifts will be applied to the support of projects selected. In the unlikely event of projects being oversubscribed or not proceeding to completion, donations will be applied to similar projects.
In Stewardship, the Tiniest Things also Count the Most
Read in the Philippines how farmer Marietta’s handful of seeds are multiplied almost a hundredfold.
Kenyan farming groups ready to face the future with confidence as AID’s project moves to new communities
Community group leader, Benjamin, explains the tremendous gains his group has made, working with AID’s project on Food Security in a Changing Climate, in southeastern Kenya.
How PAMAMACA, pigs and ginger improved Liza’s life
When ABM AID’s partner, IFI-VIMROD, supported this community group in the Philippines, the lives of Liza and others in her group were transformed.