Out and about with ABM – October 2024
Spring is a busy time for gardeners…and for many dioceses and parishes across the Anglican Church of Australia, with Synods, ordinations, mission activities, and much more! The boards of ABM and AID also had their annual joint meeting where three more Coaldrake Awards were presented.
A Bloomin’ Miracle…
Some ABM supporters will remember that the ABM Auxiliary launched a rose, A Bloomin’ Miracle, as a fundraiser for their 100th anniversary in 2010. ABM’s Key Relationships Manager, Meagan Schwarz, saw one in full bloom during a recent trip to Newcastle Diocese. It reminded her of all the wonderful work done by the ABM Auxiliary for God’s mission over so many years and that God’s mission continues to grow in the hearts and minds of Australian Anglicans and in the flourishing communities that participate in our partners’ programs.

A Bloomin’ Miracle in full bloom in Newcastle Diocese. © Meagan Schwarz, ABM.
The stole connection…
In September, the Rev’d Rebecca Hayman and the Rev’d Damian King were ordained as priests in Gippsland Diocese and received from ABM a gift of a stole, woven by traditional Igorot weavers who are part of ABM’s partner church in the Philippines. They are only two of the many priests and deacons ordained this year who have received such a stole as a reminder of their connection to the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The Rev’d Damian King, newly ordained, with his ABM stole. © Amy Turner. Used with permission.

The Rev’d Rebecca Hayman with her new ABM stole. © Amy Turner. Used with permission.
While Synods may not be everyone’s favourite event of the year, they are a fabulous opportunity for ABM to meet with clergy and lay leaders from many of our supporting parishes in one location at the one time. Over 2024 and 2025, ABM is attempting to have a motion and a speaker at a majority of Synods across Australia. Synods are also an opportunity for parishes to bring their stamps for ABM!
Mission Fundraising activities…
The Sydney Auxiliary held their annual fundraising lunch at Christ Church St Laurence in mid-October. ABM’s Meagan Schwarz spoke about the work of Bishop Newton School of Theology and the important work the Auxiliary is supporting through their fundraising. They raffled two teddy-bears, with people buying a name of the bear, with the winning name drawn at the lunch.
Five Parishes in Newcastle Diocese hosted Meagan in mid-September. Whether it was the special morning tea at Telarah Rutherford Parish, the high tea at Bateau Bay Parish, the wine and cheese supper at St John’s Cooks Hill, the sit-down dinner with East Lake Macquarie Parish or Sunday services at Nelson Bay Parish, ABM supporters sought to discern what God was doing through ABM and AID and our partners and how they could join in.
Meagan shared stories from ABM’s partners that showed the impact their prayers and giving have had, and we pray, will continue to have, through the work of our partners. Those present also heard more about how they can join in God’s mission through prayer, learning, and giving. ABM thanks and congratulates the creative, talented, and generous people from all these Newcastle Diocese parishes who organised the events, volunteered to serve at them, made items to eat and sell, donated stamps, and offered prayers for our partners.

The Telarah Rutherford Mission Morning Tea craft stall. © Meagan Schwarz, ABM.

Telarah Rutherford selling jams, honey and preserves at their ABM Mission Morning Tea. © Meagan Schwarz, ABM.

St John’s Cooks Hill raising funds for ABM AID’s Kenyan project, Food Security in a Changing Climate. © Meagan Schwarz, ABM.
Coaldrake Presentations…
At a dinner of the joint ABM and AID Boards in Sydney in October, Coaldrake Awards were presented to a former Chair of ABM, Assoc Professor Michael Horsburgh, and former National Director, Dr Linda Kurti, as well as a former staff member and outgoing Chair of the ABM Finance Committee, Mr Edwin Porter. This Award is named in memory of the Rev’d Frank Coaldrake, a former missionary and Chair of ABM (1957-70), and recognises services to God’s mission through ABM. The lapel pin features cherry blossom in memory of Frank’s wife, Maida, who was an important part of Frank’s ministry both in Australia and overseas.