ABM provides support to our Partners in advocating on specific issues, as and when they arise. The following issues have been identified as particularly damaging to the communities in our partner countries, and in need of urgent change. As you read through these, we encourage you to pray and think about how you might best respond.
Gender-Based Violence
“Gender-based violence is one of the greatest injustices in our world today. Every time an act of violence is committed, the inherent dignity of the women or girl affected is degraded … The Church is already supporting and caring for those affected; it must continue in that work and must condemn the notion that such violence is ever acceptable. The Church must be an advocate for restored relationships of mutual respect and love, modelling the reconciling love shown by Christ to all people.“
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
This video shares the experiences of the Zambia Anglican Council and its programs which focus on women’s empowerment and confronting gender-based violence.
Human Trafficking
“Human trafficking is a grave crime against humanity. It is a form of modern day slavery and a profound violation of the intrinsic dignity of human beings. It is intolerable that millions of fellow human beings should be violated in this way, subjected to inhuman exploitation and deprived of their dignity and rights. This outrage should concern each one of us, because what affects one part of humanity affects us all. Virtually every part of this world is touched in some way by the cruelty and violence associated with this criminal activity.”
Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
As a member of the Anglican Alliance, ABM has joined with Anglican churches around the world to stand up against human trafficking. Churches are encouraged to mark ‘Freedom Sunday’ as a way of working together to end human trafficking.
In 2018, the Anglican Alliance are placing a special focus on this issue, with the whole year dedicated to raising awareness and inspiring advocacy action. “Freedom Year” is guided by an excellent resource booklet, which can be accessed via the ‘Resources’ tab below.
The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia also recently endorsed the Australian Freedom Network, and has resolved to stand against slavery wherever it exists.
To view the General Synod motion, and view the Freedom Sunday resources, please click here.

Standing in Solidarity Image
Take Action in Solidarity
As a member of the Anglican Alliance, ABM stands together with Anglican Churches around the world to oppose gender-based violence.
Every year, from 25 November to 10 December, the Anglican Alliance joins with the International Anglican Women’s Network in encouraging the churches to take concrete steps to end violence against women and girls through the UN’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence campaign.
To find out more about this campaign, please visit their website.
A global coalition of Christian-based NGOs, churches and organizations, this organisation is committed to ending sexual violence in communities around the world. Visit their homepage for news and resources, and to sign the pledge as a sign of your support.
To find out more about this campaign, please visit their website.
ANGLICAN ALLIANCE – Ending human trafficking
Churches around the world are coming together once a year in a global day of worship, prayer and action to stop human trafficking.
Join Freedom Sunday to raise awareness of the crime of human trafficking and show compassion for men, women and children who are trafficked and exploited.
To find out more, please visit their website.