Our Purpose
ABM believes in a world where all people enjoy God’s promise of love, hope and justice. We work to see this belief become a reality.

Our Profile
ABM is the national mission agency for the Anglican Church of Australia. It is the channel through which Australian Anglicans participate in mission, both here and overseas. Through our Anglican church partners both in Australia and overseas, ABM’s Church to Church program serves Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglicans as well as theological education overseas.
Anglicans in Development (AID) is wholly owned by ABM and operates our Sustainable Communities program. AID works with church partners to deliver grassroots, community-driven development, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership, and disaster preparedness and response. AID seeks tax-deductible donations from the Australian public for its work in Australia and overseas. AID also receives funding for its overseas work from the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), the PNGAus Partnership in Papua New Guinea, and the Australian Humanitarian Program (through our membership of the Church Agencies Network Disaster Operations – CAN DO). You can learn more about the creation of Anglicans in Development here.
In all our work, we want to see people everywhere experience the wholeness of life God offers in Jesus Christ, and to this end we support our partners as they participate in God’s mission.

Our Values
As individuals and as organisations we embrace the following values:
- Faithfulness to God. We celebrate the capacity of every person to respond to God’s love. Holding a clear Christian commitment, we respect the traditions and beliefs of other faiths.
- Integrity in every aspect of our work. We pursue transparency and accountability in all matters.
- Respect for the created order and human dignity. Our mission has its basis in God’s unconditional love made known in Christ. We acknowledge our responsibility to care for Creation. We respect the dignity and vulnerability of each person and seek to emulate God’s love in our relations with others.
- Wise management of our resources. Recognising the fine balance between good stewardship and compassionate action we commit ourselves to practical, equitable and merciful outcomes.
- Creativity and hard work. We believe that innovation and resourcefulness, combined with diligence, will have a powerful and positive impact on the struggle for justice.
- Relational reciprocity. In our internal and external relationships, we commit to genuine two-way engagement, shared learning, honesty and cultural sensitivity.
- Caring for and serving others. Taking our inspiration from the example of Christ who modelled love and compassion for others.
Prayer for the Anglican Board of Mission
God of all,
bless the Anglican Board of Mission
as it serves the Church in Australia
and our partner churches overseas.
Inspire its work and its vision
that all may come to know your justice,
your peace and your love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(A Prayer Book for Australia, p 214)